
Rising Singer, Damian Unveils His Intriguing New Video

  • November 15, 2019
  • 2 min read
Rising Singer, Damian Unveils His Intriguing New Video

There’s no second chance at a first impression. It’s an old adage that we’ve heard in countless commercials, movies, everyday life and everything in between. In music, though, it carries a bit more weight, in my opinion. There really isn’t another chance to make a first impression with a debut song or video. On average, I’d say you have a smooth 30-seconds to capture a first time fan before he/she is bored and never clicks on your name again. Lucky for Orange County singer, Damian, his debut video for, “Closer,” should take less than 20-seconds to make you a fan.

Shot by director, Truman Kewley, the video finds it’s footing very quickly, as it establishes the vibe. Relying on brilliant fire effects and a vibrant lighting scheme that really drives home the lyrics, Kewley does a great job at putting Damian in a position to knock it out, and that he does. Utilizing a genius understanding of melodic structure, as well as impressive vocals, Damian doubles down on the image set for him by Kewley, making for a fantastic video.

Check out the video below and stay familiar with Damian and co.
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Silas Gold

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