
Meet West LA artist Graze

  • August 28, 2019
  • 7 min read
Meet West LA artist Graze

Hailing from West Los Angeles, California, GRAZE is an artist with a purpose. With a flow that’s adaptable to many different stylistic beats, merged with a commanding rap tone, GRAZE brings the listener into what he often likes to say, “His Psyche”. Telling you stories about his life while delivering his message in a witty self-assuring manner. Leaving a piece of himself in every song, displaying a vantage point of how he views life, who he is as a man and what he stands for. 

Take some time to learn more about GRAZE and his musical journey by checking out our in-depth interview below.

RizeMag: Do you have any “fun facts” about yourself that people may not know about you?

Graze: I don’t know if you would call this a fun fact but growing up I wanted to be a child psychologist and was able to be that in the music video “Note Self” prod by Corey G which we will release soon. Not a child psychologist exactly but at psychologist still have a therapy session with myself in the video.

RizeMag: What or who brings inspiration to your life?

Graze: What brings inspiration to my life is the belief that I was put here on earth for a reason. When my mother was pregnant with me she was shot 5 times. Twice in the stomach and none of the bullets managed to hit me. Both my mother and I survived the shooting which in return gives me a different perspective on life. For me, rap is deeper than just putting a rhyme together on a beat to receive money for it. For me, it’s my purpose. My intent on every song is to give the listener my true emotions. Whether it’s a record for the clubs or a record that’s more personal which entails me to be more vulnerable, I always want to finish the song knowing that I left the true and most authentic GRAZE possible. So that anytime you listen to me you are getting an honest perspective on who I am as not only an artist but also as a man and hopefully, you can take something from it and use it to help you with your journey through life. And that alone gives me inspiration. 

RizeMag: Tell us a little about your record label “L.U.C.K Records.”

Graze: L.U.C.K Records is a label started and founded by myself and partner Kourtney “KP” Parker. It stands for “Leaders Under Correct Knowledge”. I never thought about starting a record label but as I grew older and had my experiences in the industry, ownership and controlling your destiny became a strong desire for myself. And this is one of the many ways I can fulfill just that. Everyone wants to be successful in life but in order for that to happen, it requires an elite level of self-discipline, focus, and hard work. You also have to be knowledgeable on the craft in whatever field you decide to pursue. I believe when you apply these tools to your life and your craft, the opportunities for success on your journey begin to grow immediately. Now for those that choose to bypass this method may look at your success story saying it was luck. But I believe you were just applying the steps on what it takes to be a “Leader Under Correct Knowledge”

RizeMag: How has rap and/or music in general helped you grow in this music industry?

Graze: To be honest, rap hasn’t just helped me grow in the music industry but it’s helped me grow as a man. Two years after graduating from high school I was offered a recording contract which quickly took my mentality on a downward spiral and lead me to a dark depressive state. From being flown out to meet with different labels, backstage passes to shows, meeting stars and being in studios with people I only have seen on T.V, on the surface things for me was looking great! But enterally I was going downhill. Now initially you would think why would you be depressed this is a great opportunity but to me, everything was happening too fast and I wasn’t prepared for it. I couldn’t write records fast enough, my focus and self-discipline weren’t up to music industry standards, was doubting my talent, putting to much pressure on myself and overall just wanted to quit. Quickly I was put on a path where I had to learn to bounce back. I went on to have to accept the fact that life isn’t going to always fall in line the way you want it to be. You’re going to have to learn how to get beat up and keep going. It’s cliche but it’s true. And wants I truly accepted it, life began to become more manageable for me not only as an artist but a man as well. And I would have to thank my journey in the music industry for that.

RizeMag: If someone tuned in to your music for the first time, which song of yours would you tell them to go listen to? 

Graze: I would tell them to listen to “90019” off of my EP “My Side Of Town”. The record is a good quick introduction of who I am, where I come from, and just overall the energy/vibe I want to give musically. I’m all about that throwback head-nodding music while giving you a story to go along with it. And “90019” does exactly that. Giving you just a small taste of what I’m capable of delivering as an MC.

RizeMag: What’s more important to you, power or fame? And why?

Graze: Power is more important to me. Fame is something society deemed as important because of what you can get from it and how it’s glorified. But being the person that can dictate how and who that fame is giving to. That’s the position I will rather be in. 

RizeMag: Do you believe you get a lot of support from people in Los Angeles?

Graze: I feel like I get a lot of support from those that know me and from those that I’ve personally come across. I have a lot more work to do to gain a stronger support group in Los Angeles but that is something that I don’t shy away from and that I’m more than willing to do. 

RizeMag: Do you freestyle or do you prefer to write?

Graze: I prefer to freestyle/write lyrics in my head. I stopped writing back in 2014. I used to overthink my rhymes every time I was in front of a pen and pad or when it came to writing lyrics on my phone. So I trained myself to just go with the flow and write in the moment. This way you get my true emotions and feelings.

RizeMag: What are you currently working on and what can we expect next from you?

Graze: Currently, I’m just recording. What you can expect next from me is numerous mixtapes, freestyles, and EP’s. My plan is to be consistent and give quality music to begin growing the following I believe I can obtain if I stay focused and on my path. 

Graze | Instagram

About Author

Tresur Williams

Founder. "Find your purpose or you wasting air." - Nipsey Hussle

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