Interviews Music

District 21 drops versatile project “Sometimes Heaven Is Hell”

  • September 24, 2019
  • 5 min read
District 21 drops versatile project “Sometimes Heaven Is Hell”

District 21 is back on the radar with a new project titled “Sometimes Heaven Is Hell.” The versatile 8-track project shows off the multitudinous talents that District 21 possesses. He can start off rapping on a track and end off with smooth melodies. He will keep you guessing and that’s what makes him such a unique artist. An interesting fact is that all the songs were recorded over a 4 day period with backing from producer Mitchell Dolphin.

If you enjoy a variety of music then I would tell you to definitely get familiar with District 21 and his music catalog. Much of his music has a timeless feel to it, you can go back and press the repeat button over and over again. It’s only a matter of time before he blows up.

Follow District 21 on Instagram and check out our interview below.

RizeMag: If you could share, what’s some of the best advice your father Mack10 has given you that helps you stay motivated in this industry?

District: Honestly, the best advice he’s given me is just to own who I am. I’m not like him or like anyone else for that matter… our stories aren’t the same, neither was our upbringing. So I kinda just took that and ran with it…I am who I am and people can take it or leave it.

RizeMag: Do you always feel pressured or like all eyes are on you?

District: No I’ve never felt like that. I mean it might be true, and it might become worse as I grow as an artist and in profile. But pressure is something I’ve always embraced…more importantly I’m comfortable in my own skin. So I know in any situation I’m going to do what comes naturally to me. Whether I fail or succeed is out of my hands. I’m just gonna do my best.

RizeMag: What song or project would you tell someone to listen to if they were being introduced to your music for the first time?

District: That’s tough…first I’d ask them what kind of music they like. Knowing that I can gage which project or song of mine they’ll enjoy. ‘Lifeguard’ was a more alternative kind of thing…there were some house influences, Pop and R&B. ‘Outsiders Village’ was more so just Hip-Hop. ‘No Static’ was trap mixed with like more Jams and aggression. So it’s all preference.

RizeMag: What is the meaning behind your artist name “District 21?”

District: I just wanted a name that couldn’t put me into a box. Something that could live in any space or time period of music and fit in… ‘District 21’ was an album name I thought of when I was like 16 before I was working on any projects…My sister gave me the idea to just make it my actual name so that’s what I did.

RizeMag: Let’s talk about your new project Sometimes Heaven Is Hell, what was the creative process for the title and did you have any favorite moments working on the project?

District: Well, the creative process for the entire project was for sure a spur of the moment kind of thing. I didn’t have access to a studio so me and Mitch just decided to make something in his room. It only took us 4 days to start and complete the entire thing. Every song was a freestyle and there was no thought put into the artistic direction we were moving towards; which was a first for me. We just did everything on the spot and whatever the vibe was that’s what we did… My back was against the wall so I just decided to try some shit. As far as the title, I just wanted something interesting enough to make someone press play but also something that properly described my mindset when making it. The title is just a metaphor stating that “Sometimes, you can have the best of life circumstances and still feel like you’re stuck. Still wake up upset every morning” So that’s what we rolled with. And as for moments, they all were my favorite. To catch a wave of creativity like that in such a short span was an amazing feeling and it was the most fun I’ve had in a while.

RizeMag: What producers and/or artists would you like to work with in the future?

District: I’ve always wanted to work with Pharrell. Kanye and Timbaland are up there too…And Tyler (the Creator). Artists wise whatever is organic. I’d love to work with Frank Ocean one day, Florence Welch, Lana Del Rey, Drake, Lil Wayne…Too many to keep naming haha.

RizeMag: What’s next for you? Any specific goals you want to accomplish the rest of this year going into next?

District: I’ve learned that when you give yourself expectations you run the risk of falling short and being unhappy. I just want to make some more music and for people to hear it. Wherever that takes me is probably where I’m supposed to be. So I’m okay with that.

About Author

Tresur Williams

Founder. "Find your purpose or you wasting air." - Nipsey Hussle

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