
Check Out Long Beach Songstress, BACKWOOD BRAT & Her Emphatic New Video For, “Honey”

  • May 7, 2020
  • 1 min read
Check Out Long Beach Songstress, BACKWOOD BRAT & Her Emphatic New Video For, “Honey”

Every so often, you run across an star in the making. It’s not everyday, but it happens–and when it happens, you know. They may not be completely polished yet, but they have that, “IT” factor that is unteachable and can never be developed. Hailing from Long Beach, BACKWOOD BRAT is one of those artists. Taking the rest of her development to the next level, she releases the video for her new single, “Honey.”

Shot by Brainztem, the video for, “Honey,” is engaging, colorful and does a great job of highlighting BRAT’s aforementioned, “IT” factor. While that’s obviously an asset, my personal favorite thing about this video is witnessing the strides that BRAT has made as an artist, sonically. Utilizing her unique vocal tone, she showcases a melodic progression that is greater than her past work. In short, this feels like the release where she’s starting to bring everything together.

Check out the single below and get familiar with BACKWOOD BRAT.

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Silas Gold

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