
Ascending Virginia Product, DANVHEFNER Drops Off His New Project

  • September 3, 2019
  • 1 min read

As evidenced in our archives, rising Virginia rapper, DANVHEFNER is one of my favorite underground artists out right now. Sporting a signature angst to his music that often leaves you wondering if he would dabble with Punk Rock, one thing Dan never fails to bring is the energy. Switching gears a bit, he decides to take a new sonic direction on his brilliant new EP, Vivacious.

At only 10-minutes long, the 5-track project is incredibly short, but is perfectly suited as an appetizer to keep you satisfied, though not too stuffed, as we await Dan’s next full length. As previously mentioned, he opts for a more melodic sound on this project, which makes for an incredibly engaging listen, especially on songs like, “Be By Me,” and, “I Didn’t Ask For This,” where his evolution is most easily recognizable.

In all, Vivacious is a great bridge to the next project for Dan. While this may have been a bit different for him sonically, it proved and showcased his versatility in a new, very effective way. Check out the project below and get familiar with Virginia’s rising star.

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Silas Gold

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