Interviews On Tha Rize News

Kristen Mason & Zenletics Global Want You To ‘Love Your Health’

  • January 7, 2022
  • 7 min read
Kristen Mason & Zenletics Global Want You To ‘Love Your Health’

Zenletics Global‘s Kristen Mason is here to remind you to “Love Your Health” first in 2022! Kristen is here to help you get back on track mentally, physically, and emotionally as we begin the new year. What about celebrity massage therapists, personal trainers, and nutritionists? We’ve all heard of celebrity stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers, but not much about those who help us cope with daily stressors.

Zenletics Global Is On Tha Rize

Atlanta’s very own trailblazing, nationally certified massage therapist Kristen Mason has been bringing care and serenity to your front door since 2016. With 15 years of experience, what began as a way to support her education quickly evolved into a passionate career. Despite the fact that Zenletics was founded six years ago, Mason has been working with celebrities and athletes for the past eight years and counting. Kristen has been providing high-end service to clients of all ages since the launch of her mobile company.

Kristen Mason

Zenletics Global has received positive feedback and a large and consistent clientele comprised of professional athletes and celebrities. Tyron Woodley, Waka Flaka, Big Boi, Rebel Wilson, Alex Hardcastle, Raz B, Daniel Jacobs, William Moore, Brian Dorsey, and Eddie Drummond are just a few clients who recommended Kristen Mason and Zenletics in 2021. Now that the new year has arrived, it’s time to get back into the swing of living a healthy lifestyle!

Recently, Kristen launched her latest Love Your Health – A New Year Celebration For Bodies Only campaign for all clients at the beginning of the month. Her new services and packages include a $30 discount on any massage when you mention the “Love Your Health” campaign. In addition, if you are pleased, you can choose to participate in a complimentary 30-minute training and nutrition consultation or a free 15-minute meditation session following your session.

Kristen Mason – Love Your Health Flyer

The overall goal is to encourage people to consider their health in terms of personal empowerment. Providing customers with the opportunity to ask themselves, “What can I do to help myself?” What exactly does my body deserve?

Love Your Health

Clients seek massage therapists, trainers, and other professionals not only to relieve tension, but also to keep their bodies operating at peak performance. Health is wealth, and this opportunity is more than a gimmick for the wealthy and famous. It has a variety of health benefits for everyone. From enhancing sleep to elevating mood. In fact, she has suggestions for making the most of regular sessions. Mason also has a platform called “PJs & Massage”. During this space, she holds interviews and classes to teach followers how to do self massages. Do you not believe me?

Make an appointment with Kristen Mason of Zenletics today to get your health back on track! Keep locked at On Tha Rize Mag for more services and opportunities from Kristen Mason and the Zenletics Global team! For now, take a look at the brand new campaign and book today! Also, before you go, learn more about the CEO and all about Zenletics Global in our interview below.

The Interview

  • Hi Kristen! Happy New Year! Thank you so much for taking the time out to speak with me! I’m eager to jump into our interview. Before we get right into it, please tell myself and fans all about who Kristen Mason. Also, where it all began…

I became nationally certified and state licensed in massage therapy 15 years ago as a stepping stone to pay for college, where I wanted to take up psychology. While in school, I fell in love with the art and decided to make it a career. Fast forward a few years and I found out I had diabetes. It was here that my fitness journey began. I lost 98 lbs in 9 months, became a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, yoga instructor, and began teaching people how to meditate. In 2016 Zenletics Global was born.

  • Please tell us more about Zenletics Global and what it means to you. 

Zenletics Global is a mobile massage and wellness company that focuses on sports and PNF massage, but also offers Swedish, deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, and table Thai/yoga. As the CEO, people often call me a celebrity massage therapist being that a large part of my clientele are professional athletes and celebrities. That being said, Zenletics Global works with everyone, our youngest client being 8 and our oldest being 98 years old. I absolutely love every inch of what I do, not only as a massage therapist, but also as a guide to helping people reframe their understanding of their health as something open and attainable to them.

Kristen Mason Wants You To Love Your Health

  • Your new “Love Your Health” campaign is an excellent opportunity for a new year, new lifestyle mentality. With that being said, what inspired your new campaign? 

I love the aspect of what I do where I get to guide people on the attainably of a healthy lifestyle. Way too often I encounter people who want a new healthy lifestyle, but who enter into an attempt at one with an unattainable mindset. The Love Your Health campaign is about embracing your health with open, unabashed love as a fun, exciting adventure that is completely within your grasp. This is not only a health love campaign, but a self love campaign.

Kristen Mason
  • Amidst a pandemic, with your expertise and experience. What are some tips you would give us and suggest during this tough time? 

First and foremost, get vaccinated and wear your mask. Beyond that, eating a diet full of vitamin c will help to fortify your immune system, drink plenty of water, and get a lot of rest.

  • Also, please feel free to elaborate on all the benefits of your newest campaign? I’m excited to hear how you can help me! 

I don’t think there’s anyone who doesn’t love a nice discount, so the lower cost of the massages will be pleasing to the body and to the pockets. The fitness and nutrition consultation is very comprehensive. I’ll not only discuss with you the type of diet I recommend along with suggested recipes and supplements, but also, how to fit it into your budget. Remember, this campaign is about embracing attainability as well health. Lastly, studies have shown that just 5 minutes of meditation per day is beneficial to every aspect of  your life. I’m offering you 15 minutes at the end of your session.

  • What types of meditation and massages do you specialize in? 

I specialize in visualization meditation and sports + PNF massage

  • Do you prefer to work in a physiotherapy setting or a spa setting or can you make it happen any & everywhere? 

No matter the setting, I can always get the job done. However, as I’ve stated, this is a mobile service so I do usually work in the homes of my clients. Unless they’ve flown me to a different city in which case I’m in their hotel room. With me having my own separate room of course. 

Kristen Mason Interview Continued…

  • How do you stay energized when you have back-to-back clients?

I know this may sound corny, but working with clients that have wonderful energy keeps me energized. This line of work really does involve a lot of energy exchange, so when I’m getting back the positive energy that I’m putting out, I’m good to go all day!

  • Also, I’m sure readers like myself are in need of your services! As a result, how can customers book your services ? 

You can definitely book online through my website or, call or text 47.0343.3963. I look forward to hearing from everyone!


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About Author


Minnee is a Hip Hop renaissance woman with a passion for the innovators of the genre while appreciating the new school trailblazers. She has an ear for music: play a sample track and she can tell who the original artist is and all of the samples spawned and or inspired from it. She lives and breathes Hip Hop, understanding the history and journey.